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in the beginning of the ancient period, humans started using books in their education process. even today it has not changed much. when people are facing some specific challenges in their education these days, they always seem to turn towards books which have been available for quite a long time now. but just because these textbooks have been around for a while does not mean that they are less effective than the ones that are being introduced nowadays. if you want to explore something new and different about how these texts can be used in your learning process, then this article is here to help you out with your research project. one can download or order them online from this blog page so that you can easily get them without any hassle whatsoever. the ancient kannada texts that we have chosen for this article are: "Jeevanvidhi " is a book on values and life values. it contains such important topics such as how to live a good and proper life, how to be good citizen of the society, etc. most of the different epochs of human history have been represented in this book in the form of stories. "Jeevabharana " is a book on research and study techniques and methods. it contains almost all the main topics relating to the field of study. This book has been translated into English also so that people who can't read Kannada can also benefit from its contents. "Sastrasara " is a book on ethics and behavior. it is extremely useful for those who want to learn about the correct way of living and how one should be treated by everyone around them. "Kannada Bhashabharana " is a book on grammar and translation techniques. it is divided into various chapters which introduce various aspects of translation and grammar in kannada literature like kannada poetry, prose, etc. It has also been translated into English with different editions which you can also download or order online from this blog site at your convenience. "Pampa Darpana " is a book on the art of writing and poetry. it contains a compilation of poems by different authors from around the world. In the form of prose, this book also has been translated into English which you can also order or download from this blog site. "Sri mandaleshwara stotram " is a book on Kannada grammar and translation techniques. This is one of the most useful for those who are actually learning Kannada to read and understand it properly. Also, this book has been translated into English so that people who can't read Kannada can also benefit from its contents. "Kavya Lakshana " is a book on the art of poetry and its history. It contains a lot of stories and examples from different periods of time in human history. this book also has been translated into English so that people who can't read Kannada can also benefit from its contents. "Sahitya Ratnakara " is a book on literary criticism and literary analysis. it is known for its literary value and uses such examples from other great works to explain its contents clearly to the reader, reader should be aware about these books to understand them easily. cfa1e77820